
期貨經紀 受託買賣台灣期貨交易所期貨、選擇權合約。 受託買賣美盤、新盤、日本盤、香港盤、歐洲盤等期貨、選擇權合約。
期貨自營 以公司自有資金從事主管機關公告之國內外期貨交易及國內外有價證券買 賣,自營資訊系統研究開發等業務。
期貨顧問 經主管機關公告或核准項目之交易或投資有關事項提供研究分析意見或推介建議。 出版期貨書籍。 舉辦各種期貨講習活動。
槓桿交易商 可發行遠期契約、選擇權契約、交換契約、差價契約等多種槓桿保證金契約交易業務,目前已推出外幣保證金、結構型商品等商品。
元大期貨以「SMART」為核心價值,我們協助客戶掌握全球投資機會(Seize Global Opportunities),並替客戶做好風險控管(Manage the Risk),提供高品質的產業研究(Analyze with Experiences),以及利用智能交易強化客戶投資組合(Reinforced by Programming)。量身打造客戶的期權需求(Tailor Your Solutions),更是元大期貨的企業使命。我們擁有五大領先市場主打特色:
We stand by our core value SMART for our clients: Seize global investment opportunities Manage client risks ,Analyze critically ,Reinforce investment portfolio, Tailor client solutions.
最佳期貨品牌/ Best Brand Name
Yuanta Futures is a subsidiary of Yuanta Financial Holdings and is the largest FCM in Taiwan. Yuanta Futures ranks number one in Taiwan for its futures and options market share, profitability and capital. It is the first FCM to have received OTC derivatives trading license in Taiwan. The company is operationally and financially sound with no bank debt. The company is proactively developing new businesses while offering its foreign, institutional and retail clients the safest investment environment.
最完整國際通路/ Best Global Access
Yuanta Futures provides comprehensive access in the Greater China area. Not only does its extensive network have 236 branches in Taiwan, the most for any FCM, it has also expanded its footprint into Hong Kong and Mainland China for many years. Yuanta has obtained the Overseas Intermediary license for trading China’s INE Crude Oil and DCE Iron Ore futures contracts and is able to offer investors a variety of investment opportunities and tailor-made solutions in the Greater China area.
最優質客戶服務/ Best Customer Service
Yuanta Futures has trading membership to 12 exchanges around the world; has offered 24-hour round-the-clock customer service for cross market trading for more than 20 years; and provides extensive research material. “Futures Quarterly” published by Yuanta Futures aims to bring investors up-to-date wealth management knowledge and the latest global investment trend.
強化投資人風控 建立智能生態圈/ The “Smart” Ecosystem
元大期貨積極推廣智能生態圈,建立線上與實體講座課程等一站式顧問服務,各種的程式語法皆能以SMART API串接,同時結合行動APP推播市場即時行情訊息,並推出客製化交易平臺讓投資人可以輕鬆執行期權、槓桿交易契約等商品智能交易。
Yuanta Futures is actively promoting “smart” ecosystem for futures trading. It offers one-stop-shop consulting services on its on-line platform. Real-time market news updates are broadcasted through Yuanta’s in-house mobile apps. For program traders, Yuanta offers API/FIX protocol connections. Yuanta Futures’ customized trading platform lets investors trade “smartly”.
行動交易成趨勢 看盤交易不設限/ In-house Trading Platform
元大期貨推出各式交易平臺滿足客戶PC、行動下單多樣化的需求。股票期貨契約規格篇 - 元大期貨、股期在元大、元大股票期貨、股票期貨保證金、元大期貨總公司、元大期貨經紀部、元大期貨、元大期貨營業員
Yuanta Futures offers a number of in-house trading platforms for PC and mobile phone users with different trading needs.